
Bad Call Center

Let's also touch on the bad side of outsourcing. People in the US and Great Britain are use to hearing callers with foreign accents. This is because a lot of local companies have outsourced their customer and phone marketing departments to call centers in India and a few other countries. It was not a surprise for a lot of people then to get calls from people with India accents offering them non collateral free loans. Those people were desperate for loans after getting bad payment records of their past loans and credit card debts that they agreed to pay an advance fee to the agency. Of course, the loans never came and their monies were never returned. The call center turned out to be a fake company and millions of pounds were duped from the poor desperate Britons.

Story Here:- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2261434/Police-believe-center-fraudsters-Rs-88-crore-United-Kingdom-victims.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

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