

The string of calamities that hit Asia, Australia and most recently, the US once again emphasized the need for companies that has backed up, redundant and fail safe systems. In BPO, several end clients distribute their requirements to a number of service providers in order protect themselves in the event of unforeseen incidences.

Further to that, outsourcing companies are also known to purposely operate while utilizing less than 100% of their individual capacities. The reason for such an operating policy includes being able to accommodate a sudden surge of client requirements and a drop in their own capacities. A drop in an outsourcing firm's capacity includes a sudden low employee turnout due to typhoons and bog downs in company equipments such as the recent Asian internet failure, caused by the earthquake in Taiwan. please refer to a related post.

Not a single country is safe from calamities. The mighty United States, itself, regularly deals with its own share. However, since business dealings of most companies reaches far across state boundaries, it is imperative that business services continue uninterrupted.

That is the challenge of every BPO company. To be able to deliver its services, without fail.

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