
How is BPO in the Philippines?

A newspaper article recently wrote about the BPO potentials of the country and the fact that it is not getting enough of the Japanese IT market.

The newspaper interviewed a number of Japanese execs who explained the following:
  1. Despite the potential, most Japanese perceive the country as politically unstable and "Scary" in terms of peace and order;
  2. Most of the Japanese firms engaged in BPO business in the Philippines are the big firms who's been in the country for a long time; and
  3. Successful Japanese businessmen do not want to share their secrets.
A Japanese businessman even said something like "Initially, the Japanese are afraid to come to the Philippines. But when they do, they realize that this place is very good. However, when fellow Japanese ask them how they find the business climate in the country, they say; Ahh, It's very hard!"

Really Funny! ...... BAKERO!!!! -- joke!! :D

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